Transportation Services offers the following fuel-saving driving tips:
  • Don't be an aggressive driver -- Aggressive driving can lower gas mileage by as much as 33 percent on the highway and 5 percent on city streets.
  • Avoid excessive idling -- Sitting idle gets zero miles per gallon. You should not warm up your vehicle more than 30 seconds. Generally the time it takes to start your vehicle, check your engine gauges/lights, adjust the seat & mirrors, and pull out of your parking stall is sufficient warm up time. Do not let your vehicle set idling to heat up or cool down the vehicle interior. If you are at a known extended stop light (60+ seconds), turn the vehicle off.
  • Avoid using drive-thru services -- Drive-thru services (banks, ATM's, food service, laundry, etc.) cause excessive idling and waste fuel. If you must use a drive-thru, turn your vehicle off while waiting in line, or using the service.
  • Observe the speed limit -- Gas mileage decreases rapidly at speeds above 60 mph. To maintain a constant speed on the highway, cruise control is recommended. A passenger car that averages 28.5 miles per gallon at 60 mph, could typically get 27 mpg at 65 mph, and 25.5 mpg at 70 mph. Remember, however, that for different levels of speeds, the change in fuel economy will probably be different for different models, types, and ages of vehicles.
  • Use cruise control -- Using the vehicles cruise control helps improve fuel economy and prevent speeding. Note: Vehicles with anti-lock (ABS) systems will disengage the cruise control on slippery surfaces should a tire begin to slip.                                                   

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