Top Ten Best Operating Systems
10. Fedora
The greatest! Does not crash. FREE. All services built in - web server (apache, php sql), dns server... Etc... - eddieM+167
Fedora is definitively the best operating system out there. All software is out of the box, and with boxes, you can install multiple operating system into fedora. There is no reason to not use fedora over anything else.M+79
Best OS and Free of Cost. Much more uptime compared to windows. Timely Updates, proper use, no crash and Boxes help to build VM under FedoraM+60
FREE, Open-Source - Perfect Operating System.
9. Windows XP
The best operating system I have ever used, thanks to microsoft,M+130
It is best fastest operating system ever. It's better than windows 8M+97
This is the best for me ever seen...M+98
Windows XP is the BEST!

8. Android
What about Chrome OS?
Not the same as android
In a year it will be the number 3 OSM+110
Not the same as android
In a year it will be the number 3 OSM+110
Yeah but chrome does seem to be the most used web browser in the worldM+3
Android 4.1 is a fairly stale operating system with great customization options. Fun withgets will light your way into a a very interesting society, where you control everything. I would recommend this operating system in a heartbeat!M+98
Android is definitely the best operating system because it is an upcoming fairly new OS that is very simple and is very safe in the way of virus protection and speed.M+37
Easy to use and understood by any new user...
7. Macintosh OSX
By far one of the easiest operating systems to learn for a complete beginner (although switching from windows has a slight learning curve). Ideal for the artist and everyday user, the Mac OS is a personal favourite. The fact that it's unix based makes it quite similar to linux with very similar terminal commands. The only downside to Mac OS is the small range of games and the high price of the Macintosh computer required to run Mac OS XM+142
Unfair to classify OSX as a single stand-alone OS and compare it to Windows as a long list of very different systems from 3.1 to whatever they're doing this week. OSX is a variant of Unix based on FreeBSD which is in turn based on BSD that predates MSDOS by a decade (~) by my recollection. Microsoft should join the rest of the world and help create a unified OS core such that each variant merely offers their own "flavoured" shell. Windows was nothing but a menu system for MSDOS. A Unified system would solve many of the problems of writing code for all computers to use.M+84
Em, with respect, the person who wrote the paragraph staring "Yea the whole reason why macs never get viruses... ' knows nothing at all about Macs. As someone who has been using them for over 25 years (alongside Windows and Linux) I DO! So, you can only do "graphic arts, music, design and so forth..."? Actually these days you can do whatever you want on a Mac and in a far simpler, more logical way than you can in Windows. And faster. This person is living in the past and has obviously not used a Mac recently. You CAN play games on them brilliantly! Or perhaps I am imagining that?
As for users having to "run to the Apple Store because they don't know squat on how to resolve the issue", that's totally inaccurate as well. I fix all my Macs if they go wrong (which they hardly ever do). I still have a 16 year old Bondi iMac that runs OS X and has never caused me a day's trouble. A bit slow now, of course, but my point is I've never had a Windows machine for more than 4-5 years before it died. I teach people how to use Macs and people often call me with problems they are having. Those problems are very seldom to do with hardware and software and are usually because the user has done something wrong in settings etc.
The point is that the developers who create the Mac OS and third party developers who create apps for the Mac have a totally different M O to those who create Windows and Windows apps. Mac OS X (especially the latest version - Yosemite) is so easy to use and frees you up to express your creativity and get your work done, rather than having to bogged down. Windows is light years behind in nearly every way...
As for users having to "run to the Apple Store because they don't know squat on how to resolve the issue", that's totally inaccurate as well. I fix all my Macs if they go wrong (which they hardly ever do). I still have a 16 year old Bondi iMac that runs OS X and has never caused me a day's trouble. A bit slow now, of course, but my point is I've never had a Windows machine for more than 4-5 years before it died. I teach people how to use Macs and people often call me with problems they are having. Those problems are very seldom to do with hardware and software and are usually because the user has done something wrong in settings etc.
The point is that the developers who create the Mac OS and third party developers who create apps for the Mac have a totally different M O to those who create Windows and Windows apps. Mac OS X (especially the latest version - Yosemite) is so easy to use and frees you up to express your creativity and get your work done, rather than having to bogged down. Windows is light years behind in nearly every way...
6. Linux Mint
First of all "Linux Mint 15 Cinnamon" is "Free" Operating System
1)"Linux Mint Cinnamon 15" is better than "Ubantu 13.04"
2) It is best Operating System I ever used in my Life
3) It is very fast, very user friendly (Like "Windows 7"), Most secure OS
4) Inbuilt NVDIA/ATI Graphics Drivers (No need to install any drivers)
5) It is fully loaded with all software and even it also support Internet Graphics, Audio-Video and Bluetooth connectivity without manually installing any drivers
5) It works great with both Desktops and Laptops
6) Very Stable Operating System
7) Extremely great Graphics (Like MAC-OS), Themes
8) Full Multimedia Support for High Definition movies, High Graphics Games
9) Great Package Manager all softwares are available in that Package Manger Center
10) Inbuilt (VLC) Video LAN Player
11) Libre Office is best but also support Microsoft Office via PlayOnLinux Software (For those who has hobbit of using MS Office)
12) Supports all Windows Programs, Games via Wine and PlayOnLinux Softwares
13) Identfies [NTFS and FAT] Windows File Systems also...
14) OVERALL BEST OPERATING SYSTEM (Linux Mint Cinnamon 15)M+265
1)"Linux Mint Cinnamon 15" is better than "Ubantu 13.04"
2) It is best Operating System I ever used in my Life
3) It is very fast, very user friendly (Like "Windows 7"), Most secure OS
4) Inbuilt NVDIA/ATI Graphics Drivers (No need to install any drivers)
5) It is fully loaded with all software and even it also support Internet Graphics, Audio-Video and Bluetooth connectivity without manually installing any drivers
5) It works great with both Desktops and Laptops
6) Very Stable Operating System
7) Extremely great Graphics (Like MAC-OS), Themes
8) Full Multimedia Support for High Definition movies, High Graphics Games
9) Great Package Manager all softwares are available in that Package Manger Center
10) Inbuilt (VLC) Video LAN Player
11) Libre Office is best but also support Microsoft Office via PlayOnLinux Software (For those who has hobbit of using MS Office)
12) Supports all Windows Programs, Games via Wine and PlayOnLinux Softwares
13) Identfies [NTFS and FAT] Windows File Systems also...
14) OVERALL BEST OPERATING SYSTEM (Linux Mint Cinnamon 15)M+265
Fast and secure, it has everything I want and everything anyone should really need. If you can't find it in mint, it probably doesn't exist.M+116
Mint is a easy to use operating system based on linux, reliable and great for new users. Based on ubuntu, there is a lot of software available on itM+103
Look likes dog poo