Symptoms of a cold can be felt about 1-4 days after catching a cold virus. They start with a burning feeling in the nose or throat, followed by sneezing, a runny nose, and a feeling of being tired and unwell. This is the period when you are most contagious -- you can pass the cold to others -- so it's best to stay home and rest. For the first few days, the nose teems with watery nasal secretions. Later, these become thicker and darker. You may get a mild cough. It won't get much worse, but it is likely to last into the second week of your illness. If you suffer from chronic bronchitis, a cold will make it worse.
If your cold is nasty enough, seek medical attention. Your doctor likely will examine your throat and ears. He or she may take a throat cultureby brushing the throat with a long cotton-tipped swab. This will show whether you have a bacterial infection, which requires treatment with antibiotics.

Call Your Doctor About a Cold If :

  • You notice an inability to swallow.
  • You have a sore throat for more than 2 or 3 days, particularly if it seems to be worsening.
  • You have an earache.
  • You have a stiff neck or sensitivity to bright lights.
  • You're pregnant or nursing.
  • Your newborn or infant has cold symptoms.

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